
Today more than ever, people are talking about the importance of balanced hormones! They truly affect every aspect of our lives from sleep to metabolism to emotions and even our perception of the world around us. It is becoming increasingly popular to discuss balanced hormones, but I am seeing the discussion centered around supplements, trendy […]

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Undereating is one of the biggest challenges that I see women face when it comes to food and hormone balance and it was one of my greatest offenders in my personal health picture.  Undereating was one of the biggest stressors to my hormone health and my metabolism. I was “eating all the right things” I […]

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  There is a common phrase in the functional health community that “all disease begins in the gut.” The gut microbiome and intestine play a critical role in our overall health! In fact, healthy gut function is required for proper nutrient absorption, immune function, hormonal balance, and detoxification, among countless other processes.   Unfortunately, many […]

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Many women come to me frustrated about digestive symptoms despite “doing all the right things!”.  I know, I hear you!  I WAS in these shoes too!   It is completely possible to be eating a nutrient-dense diet, working out, and striving for health and still experience chronic digestive discomfort.   In my practice, I have […]

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Hormone problems are gut problems! Did you know that hormone health and gut health are very closely linked? For women struggling with fertility challenges, PCOS, PMS, fatigue, weight fluctuations, autoimmunity,  and other unexplained symptoms, gut health might JUST be the missing piece of the puzzle. Just in case the thought crossed your mind…you do NOT […]

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Food Relationship Focus The topic of body image and your relationship with food are SO incredibly important when talking about nutrition, yet not always discussed!   With the changing of the seasons, I always feel like this is a fantastic time to refresh self care strategies, but I also find that this can be a […]

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What your doctor didn’t tell you that you need to know to get pregnant with unexplained infertility. Where does functional nutrition fit in? Healthy conception involves a beautiful synchronicity of events in the body. The amazing thing is that diet & lifestyle very intimately impact this!  When conception is just not happening, it can be […]

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Part 1: Tipping Points Tipping points are interesting.  How for years, you can be experiencing the same signs, same messages, same vicious cycle, and then one day it just clicks, and enough is enough.  I see this a lot with clients too. It is almost like fate steps in and there is a spark and […]

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woman making breakfast featuring resistant starch

Resistant starch is a major component in the fiber family that has massive positive impacts on your digestion and gut health. I love talking about resistant starch as a hormone specialist, because hormone problems are gut problems. In this blog, I break down how resistant starch impacts your gut, and how you can incorporate it […]

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Woman cutting up fiber packed vegetables for a snack, which are beneficial for gut and hormone health.

Did you know that fiber is crucial for women’s health? Something I cannot stress enough is the link between gut health and women’s hormone health. When it comes to hormones, our gut helps us detox excess estrogen, eliminate endocrine disruptors, balance inflammation in the body, boost our mood, support healthy thyroid function, balance cortisol and […]

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