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  There is a common phrase in the functional health community that “all disease begins in the gut.” The gut microbiome and intestine play a critical role in our overall health! In fact, healthy gut function is required for proper nutrient absorption, immune function, hormonal balance, and detoxification, among countless other processes.   Unfortunately, many […]

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Many women come to me frustrated about digestive symptoms despite “doing all the right things!”.  I know, I hear you!  I WAS in these shoes too!   It is completely possible to be eating a nutrient-dense diet, working out, and striving for health and still experience chronic digestive discomfort.   In my practice, I have […]

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  This polyphenol, antioxidant rich, and nutrient-dense smoothie is delicious way to offset oxidative stress and decrease inflammation, while promoting growth of beneficial bacteria. Polyphenols (pol-ee-fee-nawls) are chemical compounds that come from plants. They are used by your gut bacteria to make beneficial substances for you (like short chain fatty acids- SCFA) and they help […]

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Hormone problems are gut problems! Did you know that hormone health and gut health are very closely linked? For women struggling with fertility challenges, PCOS, PMS, fatigue, weight fluctuations, autoimmunity,  and other unexplained symptoms, gut health might JUST be the missing piece of the puzzle. Just in case the thought crossed your mind…you do NOT […]

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